California's SB48 (called F.A.I.R. Act) & Secular Ed.
Regarding California’s SB48: The “common” paradigm of public education leads to diverse (and often offensive) educational requirements. A “plural” education paradigm avoids offense and strengthens educational outcomes.
The bill, which was recently signed into law, requires that California public school social studies text books include teaching about the contributions of the “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT)” communities. Many Christians (and others) fought this bill - unsuccessfully. I wouldn’t want my children taught the “value” of these communities - even if the individuals have made valuable contributions from their God given talents. These contributions are also contributed by individuals outside the community, so the “lifestyle community” is not necessary for these contributions to exist.
However, this is not my main point. I want to emphasize that the inclusion and acceptance of virtually ALL lifestyles is the nature of a secular (or common) education system! Why? Because secular schools lack foundations of truth and value which provide for moral discernment. And not only do they lack the grounds for discernment, they are required by law (through the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses) from aligning with or discriminating against any particular world view.
Since there are so many “frameworks of morality,” the best we can do (for our children and society) is to revise our public education system from a secular (or common) system to a “plural” system. Whereas the former attempts to avoid aligning with all views of truth and value, the latter allows families to attend diverse schools that align with their views of truth and value. The nature of secular schooling is to shallowly discern diversity; attempting to maintain Christian values in a secular school system is like attempting to teach a lion to eat only vegetables. Since universal education is a public good, and strong moral and philosophic education can only be conducted in philosophically diverse (or “religious&rdquo
schools, public education must be redesigned to represent a plurality of views. Yes, we would likely have GLBT public schools in California, but we would also have free access to public Christian schools.
To learn more about SB48, click this link.
However, this is not my main point. I want to emphasize that the inclusion and acceptance of virtually ALL lifestyles is the nature of a secular (or common) education system! Why? Because secular schools lack foundations of truth and value which provide for moral discernment. And not only do they lack the grounds for discernment, they are required by law (through the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses) from aligning with or discriminating against any particular world view.
Since there are so many “frameworks of morality,” the best we can do (for our children and society) is to revise our public education system from a secular (or common) system to a “plural” system. Whereas the former attempts to avoid aligning with all views of truth and value, the latter allows families to attend diverse schools that align with their views of truth and value. The nature of secular schooling is to shallowly discern diversity; attempting to maintain Christian values in a secular school system is like attempting to teach a lion to eat only vegetables. Since universal education is a public good, and strong moral and philosophic education can only be conducted in philosophically diverse (or “religious&rdquo

To learn more about SB48, click this link.
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