Strengthening America's Spiritual
and Intellectual Foundations
SACE is a Vision, a Priority, and a Strategy
The Vision: To Reveal Christ through Spiritually, Philosophically, and Culturally Engaged Christian SchoolsDeuteronomy 11 promises that Faith will continue if children are taught the ways and commands of God throughout the events of the day. Secular education undermines this command and we see its fruit.
This vision is built upon the foundational goals of knowing God and making Him known. Thus, SACE is about the “Great Commission” commands to make disciples and to disciple nations (Mark 16:15-16; Matthew 28:18-20). We believe the education day provides indispensable opportunities to:- Reveal God’s goodness, wisdom, and deeds through the lens of each curricular subject;
- Lovingly nurture children and young people within a trusted and caring environment; and
- Prepare citizens with minds, hearts, and characters that will engage the needs of America and the world with wise and loving solutions.
The Priority: To Nurture Christian Minds and HeartsFor over a century, most Christians have sent their children to "secular" schools. These schools claimed to separate "secular academic" instruction from "spiritual" instruction… leaving the latter for the home. However, contemporary history reveals that good hearted but secularly minded Christians are poorly equipped to bring health to either their families or to society.
Without schools that are spiritually, philosophically, and academically integrated, society decays as the social institutions associated with art, business, entertainment, media, family, and government crumble upon shifting and decayed secular foundations. Even though most Christian teachers and students are found in public schools, laws associated with school secularization have stripped education of Christian foundational meanings, Biblical grounds for truth, deep moral motivations, trusted community atmospheres, and teacher advocacy towards a love for God.
Secular education fails to nurture the spiritual, moral, and intellectual growth of children, who in turn, fail to develop the understanding to disciple America. We must insure that the minds and hearts of children are nurtured according to Biblical truths. -
The Strategy: To Make Christian Educations Strong and AccessibleThis will be accomplished by
- Strengthening the philosophic foundations of all Christian schools (home and classroom), and
- Making religious education accessible to all families by supporting School Choice and private private scholarships.
Though Christian schools and home schools exist, many are philosophically weak and the costs associated with them keep the vast majority of Christian families in secular schools. School Choice programs can help make Christian home and classroom educations accessible. Only when all families have an opportunity to disciple their children with quality Christian educations will the moral, spiritual, intellectual, and institutional foundations of America and the Church regain strength and reflect the goodness and wisdom of Christ!

Don’t settle for the secular mundane. Engage culture from Christ's vantage point!
Browse this website to learn how SACE critically links the Great Commission with Christian education. Read the Director's Blog, join the Discussion Forum, become a SACE member, or just broaden your understanding!
Browse this website to learn how SACE critically links the Great Commission with Christian education. Read the Director's Blog, join the Discussion Forum, become a SACE member, or just broaden your understanding!
Society for the Advancement of Christian Education
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