Working with the State
09/2018 State Regulations

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Choice and State Law
09/2018 Church & State Issues

SACE supports a manner of “separation of Church and State,” but believe an accurate reading of church-state concerns supports lightly regulated religious school choice. Our reasoning is that education is religious by nature! Here are some of our thoughts -
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School Choice is Needed
09/2018 Reasons for School Choice

School Choice is complicated but appealing. It seems that every parent would want to choose the best school for their child, yet many people do not think it is in the public’s best interest for parents to make this choice. It is difficult to support a position without knowing the arguments of others. In this link, I open a discussion regarding the primary supporting and opposing arguments regarding religious school choice. I end with SACE’s new supporting argument.
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Problems w/ Secular Education
09/2018 Problems w/ Secular Ed

SACE strongly supports Christian education as a parental concern and a source of strong civic nurture. It is clear that a much higher percentage of the nation’s families would elect a Christian school education for their children if the financial “paying field” was level. If secular education had a minimal effect on Christian children, SACE would not support religious school choice because choice systems will inevitably involve additional government regulation upon religious schools. However, secular education greatly hinders the spiritual, moral, and intellectual development of children.
For over a century and a half, the public has supported education to insure that children become moral, knowledgeable, skilled, independent, reflective, and civically involved individuals. After a century of experimentation with the "educational tools" associated with a "secular" paradigm of education, it is increasingly clear that many of the publics educational goals are religious in nature and are best addressed in religious schools. To make religious schools accessible to all families, we believe public education must be reshaped from a "common education" system to a "plural education" system in which children will be able to attend publicly supportive, and privately operated schools that educate from religious perspectives.
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