Religious Liberties and Non-Traditional Religions

Religious liberties are falling victim to non-traditional religions. Here is one attempt:
Today I searched the internet for a manifesto for secularism. I came across this YouTube video and this associated blog. Both argue that secularism should be considered a human right.

So what is secularism and what do (these) secularist believe in? According to the Manifesto I found, these proponents profess and desire at least five things:

  1. Complete separation of religion from the state. Secularism is a fundamental right.
  2. Separation of religion from public policy, including the educational system, health care and scientific research.
  3. Abolition of religious laws in the family, civil and criminal codes. An end to discrimination against and persecution of LGBT, religious minorities, women, freethinkers, ex-Muslims, and others.
  4. Freedom of religion and atheism and freedom to criticise religions. Belief as a private affair.
  5. Equality between women and men and citizenship rights for all.

The key problem is that secularism is its own worldview or (god forbid!) its own religion. Many do not realize the great distinction between the idea of secular and secularism. While "secular" merely refers to common things of this concrete world, secularism is a system of Truth based on humanism and scientific naturalism. As it relates to the manifesto I found discussed, the proponents intend to align government power exclusively with their religious belief system while claiming that all other religions should be kept private and out of public affairs. I posted the following comment:

Here in America, secularism is considered a non-traditional religious belief system. Its followers are granted the same "freedom of exercise" rights as other faiths, but government is prohibited from "establishing" it as "true". Your attempts to gain the power of government are no more tolerant than the other fundamentalists you discredit. You are merely fighting for your religious views to be dominant by suppressing others with the force of government!

Very distinctly, when we argue for secular government, we are supporting a governmental system that attempts to remain neutral between the many traditional and non-traditional belief systems. This should lead government to be limited. Since so much of life has religious overtones, government should have a very small "footprint" in areas that are highly religious such as marriage, education, welfare, etc. Secular government serves to accomplish important duties, but it undermines human liberty if it imposes a secularist viewpoint. That is why we support secular government - not a government based on secularism!
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